Stadler Form

Replacement filter set for Stadler Form Viktor Air purifier

spare filter set including prefilter and activated carbon filter

removes contaminants and odours

Item number 10007

immediately ready for dispatch, delivery time 2 - 3 days

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Dimensions and technical details

  • Replacement filters for Stadler Form Viktor air purifier, includes 1 prefilter and 1 activated carbon filter
  • Prefilter protects Viktor from coarse contaminating particles
  • Activated carbon filter removes unpleasant odour from the air
  • Recommended replacement: about every 6 months (depending on the air pollution), smokers should opt for 2 months

The Viktor air purifier is ideal for people suffering from allergies. Viktor is an energy-saving device and comes with highly efficient filters that last as long as 6 months. Depending on the pollution on-site this time frame can change, in houses with smokers the filters last less long.

The spare filter set consists of two filters: The prefilter that protects the air purifier from pollutants such as pollen and fine dust, and the activated carbon filter that removes odours from the air. Both ensure a long-lasting and, more importantly, efficient performance.

After receiving your replacement set of filters you can simply go ahead and exchange the old ones with the new cassettes. The process is done within a matter of minutes and requires no special equipment or technical know-how. In a flash your air will be clean and purified again.

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Stadler Form Germany GmbH
Alt-Heerdt 104
40549 Düsseldorf

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