
Ceiling air diffuser Air grille CD in various sizes

• ceiling grille for supply and exhaust air • installation in walls and ceilings, connection to vent pipes • model selectable: CD 160, CD 200, CD 250, CD 315 • material: aluminium

Item number 221270

delivery time up to 10 days

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Dimensions and technical details

  • Material: aluminium
  • Colour: white, enamelled
  • Model selectable: CD 160, CD 200, CD 250, CD 315
  • Ceiling grille for installation in walls and ceilings, connection to vent pipes
  • Flow rate can be regulated


Model Ø A mm Ø D mm Ø E mm F mm
CD 160 260 150 220 70
CD 200 310 200 270 70
CD 250 360 250 320 70
CD 315 420 300 380 70

CD ceiling air diffusor dimensions


CD air diffusor Air grille Vortice technical data air volume and pressure loss

tab placehold

CasaFan GmbH
Senefelderstr. 8
63594 Hasselroth

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