
F-Punto window installation kit for Punto M extractor fan range

for fitting Punto range in windows or panels

for Punto model sizes M 100, M 120, M 150

Item number 22133

immediately ready for dispatch, delivery time 2 - 3 days

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Dimensions and technical details

  • Material: ABS synthetic material
  • Colour: white
  • Various options available: F-Punto 100, F-Punto 120, F-Punto 150
  • compatible with Punto bathroom fan range sizes M 100, M 120, M 150
  • for fitting the fan into toughened safety glass or insulated glass as well as panels with up to 20 mm thickness
  • the required wall or glass thickness is achieved with spacers
  • connecting bolts and counter nuts are included in the delivery

Dimensions Punto window fitting kit

Model A B C Ø cutout
F 100/4" 158 mm 69 mm 22 mm 123 - 128 mm
F 120/5" 179 mm 80 mm 33 mm 143 - 148 mm
F 150/5" 213 mm 87 mm 40 mm 178 - 183 mm

tab placehold

CasaFan GmbH
Senefelderstr. 8
63594 Hasselroth

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