
• Spare blades • Surface-mounted luminaire • Baldachin • Blade holder • Screw set • Spare motor • Instruction manual • inner glass cylinder • metal sleeve

Item number ZLD-7546

immediately ready for dispatch, delivery time 2 - 3 days

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Spare parts for ceiling fan Helix Fusion 1 78753

Here you will find the fitting spare parts for the Westinghouse Helix Fusion 1 ceiling fan. Please choose the needed article from the Drop Down Box that you wish to be delivered. Spare parts that cannot be found in the Drop Down Box are not available for this particular article.


Components and delivery contents of the chosen spare parts

  • Spare blades ( only one single blade )
  • Surface-mounted luminaire ( only light without the glass )
  • Baldachin
  • Blade holder ( only one single holder)
  • Screw set complete
  • Spare motor
  • Instruction manual
  • Inner glass cylinder
  • Metal sleeve

The fitting spare glass panel, the connection rod and the ceiling mount are available in our shop.

tab placehold

Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
Krefelder Straße 562
41066 Mönchengladbach
